Bookmarks tagged

6 Sep 2023
This was hands down my favorite talk at DEF CON 31, exploring the ability to use extended ANSII control codes to do all sorts of things when people LOOK AT THEIR LOG FILES.
6 Sep 2023
"third hand, soldering, helping hand, makers third hand, solder iron, model making, magnetic joint, parallel jaws, makers third hand, soldering iron, stability, flexibility, precision, made in sweden, magnetic feet, arduino, PCB, electronics, maker"
6 Sep 2023
This looks like a super tough version of one of those badge holders with a retractable hook. I have one from but this one looks extra badass and has…DYNEEMA CABLE!
I love the overkill factor of using the worlds strongest fiber to hook your keys to your belt.
5 Sep 2023
I bought this magsafe battery pack for my iPhone 13 Mini since after just about 2 years, I get less than half a day of charge.
I'm hoping this extends the life of my phone for a few more years as I love the tiny form factor and they don't make them anymore.
5 Sep 2023
I went down a rabbit hole this morning reading about David Bowie's OUTSIDE album, which I have always loved. Turns out there was a prior effort to produce this concept album with Brian Eno just called LEON that ended up getting leaked and canceled and eventually repurposed into the album I know and love.
And hey, someone posted them on Youtube for me so now I have them forever.
5 Sep 2023
"a single-user bookmarking website designed to live on the Fediverse" by Casey Kolderup. I will definitely use this!
5 Sep 2023
"EXPI lives in the Brotli dictionary. RIP JPEG encoder. RIP Compo stream."
This is an insane Javascript project that produces animation and music in less than 150 lines of Javascript. It will take me years to understand the math used here.