Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 44)
5 Feb
Go Jason!
"But I have an independent website and a platform, and I’m going to use it the way that I have always used it: to inform people about the truth of the world (as best as I understand it) and what I feel is important."
"But I have an independent website and a platform, and I’m going to use it the way that I have always used it: to inform people about the truth of the world (as best as I understand it) and what I feel is important."
5 Feb
"It’s no surprise that tech billionaires like Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg have rushed to kiss the ring of the twice-ascendent Trump. The marriage of big tech and Trumpworld should make clear that Silicon Valley and authoritarians share the same goal: to crush dissent by keeping their would-be opponents spinning on an endless hamster wheel of reactive anger. And just like in the classic 1983 thriller WarGames, the only winning move is not to play."
3 Feb
This looks fun. Requires an add-on for the Flipper Zero, but allows you to receive LoRa IE meshtastic traffic. Could be fun and useful in my meshtastic hacks.
27 Jan
"An exposé no one will read, about the widespread falsification of user posts in PhysicsForums, a scientific community founded in 2001. This is a microcosm of the death of the human-written Internet."
27 Jan
Terrible news. Pableaux was one of the first friends I made when I moved to Austin 25 years ago.