Bookmarks tagged

26 Sep 2023
"The "original hacking supergroup" is trying to design tools to rebuild the internet from the ground up."
26 Sep 2023
Nice interview with Martha Wells, author of The Murderbot Diaries and Witch King.
23 Sep 2023
"This playlist contains a collection of SXSW related content from the Austin Music Network collection, ca. the 1990s."
23 Sep 2023
Stumbled on this while listening to a Cabaret Voltaire playlist. People in the comments favorably compare it to David Lynch. Curiously, the director also made the Cindy Crawford workout videos in the 90s.
22 Sep 2023
"Long term I suspect we all need 2FA for humans."
22 Sep 2023
Cool looking pixel art post-apoc brawler game. Looks rad!