Bookmarks tagged

27 Oct 2023
"Last year I wrote about my initial experiments with DALL-E 2, OpenAI’s image generation model. I’ve been having an absurd amount of fun playing with its sequel, DALL-E 3 recently. …"
23 Oct 2023
A nice explainer about using embeddings to do various things.
23 Oct 2023
This looks like an interesting project. I hate YouTube but don't hate finding videos.
22 Oct 2023
This band was recommended to me when someone saw my Amyl and the Sniffers shirt. Now they're playing together next weekend. I got tickets.
17 Oct 2023
Some cool photos from the The Breeders show the other night. Also includes a video of them performing Gigantic with Grohl.
16 Oct 2023
Video from Derision Cult’s latest album
16 Oct 2023
This creepy looking device - like a crab strapped to your forehead - is supposedly able to induce lucid dreams.
15 Oct 2023
Emory got one of these in his quest for better login security, Looks good, good price.