Bookmarks tagged

5 Dec 2023
"Jon Lebkowsky presents a personal history of digital tech, life online in the 1990s, the internet, and much more."
4 Dec 2023
In America, Godzilla can run and jump. Compared to Minus One, this looks incredibly goofy.
3 Dec 2023
"You are only hearing about and seeing Cipher now at this quality because someone took the time, energy and money to preserve it. Preservation often only happens when people have the willpower to do it, as the degradation of media is a constant struggle against entropy and apathy. "
2 Dec 2023
"A former Google engineer and the founder of stealth AI startup Extropic, is behind the Twitter account leading the “effective accelerationism” movement sweeping Silicon Valley."
1 Dec 2023
Must have!!! This will look amazing next to my OTHER giant Godzilla fig from Mondo
1 Dec 2023
Hey look, it’s the entire HALO series on YT to ~stream~ download and archive
30 Nov 2023
lots of jams here with a cyberpunk / vaporwave theme