Bookmarks tagged

12 Jan
New KMFDM album coming soon
10 Jan
Details on what information you can access (and change) because the Phillips vibrating toothbrush uses NFC to communicate between the handle and the disposable heads.
4 Jan
Puts RSS feeds onto the fediverse
1 Jan
Now that Steamboat Willie is in the public domain, people are free to ... downsample it and put it on a floppy!
1 Jan
"We are Studio Neat. We make simple products that we hope people enjoy. They include the Mark One, the Glif, and the Material Dock."
30 Dec 2023
Another version of the Mr. Boy audiobook, this one not read by JPK like the other I have.
30 Dec 2023
Anil writing about cool indie web stuff happening and the opportunity we have to refocus our internet time.