Latest bookmarks (page 3 of 31)

28 Jun
this is hilarious and deadly accurate
27 Jun
"Generate custom XML configurations for Dystopika billboard ads in the game. Customize your ad settings such as image, excluded aspect ratios, color, grid density, and dot size using our interactive form."
27 Jun
In my effort to rid my life of as many major internet companies as possible, I have built my own photo stream tool! Check it out and maybe subscribe to the feed.
25 Jun
"The author of All Systems Red, the latest pick for New Scientist Book Club, on the challenges of imagining technology of the future, an upcoming TV adaptation - and how she fell for her character while writing"
23 Jun
"To use the Montreal subway (the Métro), you tap a paper ticket against the turnstile and it opens. The ticket works through a system called ..."
20 Jun
"MUDs, Usenet, and open source all play a part in 50 years of IF history."
18 Jun
"Created from the strange, bizarre mind of filmmaker, musician, and artist David Lynch (Dune, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks), DumbLand is an 8 episode animated series..."
16 Jun
"The film takes place in the Ussuri taiga. In the center of the plot is an ancient legend about a mysterious mountain, on which, according to legend, tigers f..."