Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 44)

2h ago
This tutorial looks like a good place to start with getting Huginn installed on a raspberry pi.
12 Feb
Beautiful pixel art animation
11 Feb
"Other Networks" is a cluster of projects headed up by Dr. Lori Emerson and Dr. libi striegl that document and experiment with networks outside of what's now called "the internet."
10 Feb
A restored version of this amazing fan game where you can play classic SMB as a bunch of different classic characters like Megaman or Link.
8 Feb
A music player that looks like a cassette tape. Super cool.
6 Feb
A list of RSS feeds that are RSS only
5 Feb
Go Jason!
"But I have an independent website and a platform, and I’m going to use it the way that I have always used it: to inform people about the truth of the world (as best as I understand it) and what I feel is important."
5 Feb
"It’s no surprise that tech billionaires like Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg have rushed to kiss the ring of the twice-ascendent Trump. The marriage of big tech and Trumpworld should make clear that Silicon Valley and authoritarians share the same goal: to crush dissent by keeping their would-be opponents spinning on an endless hamster wheel of reactive anger. And just like in the classic 1983 thriller WarGames, the only winning move is not to play."